English to Urdu website translation

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English to Urdu website translation

August 05, 2018

By Ofer Tirosh

From information portals to retail sites, the Tomedes team has translated every kind of website imaginable. Our extensive experience of website translation has positioned us well to deal with requests of this nature. As such, we were delighted to receive a request from a new client to translate his website from English to Urdu. 

The client approached us through the live chat function on the Tomedes website. We appreciate that sometimes businesses need to access information and resolve queries fast in order to make decisions. That’s why our live chat service is there, to help companies discuss their translation needs in real time. 

The English version of the client’s site was already live, and he was keen to follow suit with an Urdu language version, so we assigned our top Urdu translation professional to the job. She got to work straight away, translating methodically through each page of the site in turn.

As per the client’s instructions, we also provided localization services as part of this job. This was to reassure the client that the text and images used on his website would not cause offence to his intended audience for any unforeseen reason. Professional localization services can do wonders in terms of protecting a brand in this way.

The client was thrilled with the final product – a flawless Urdu translation and localization of his website. He was also pleased to have the job done so cost effectively and to such a high standard of translation. Another very happy Tomedes customer!

If you have a website that needs translating and localizing – or any other business document, for that matter, then Tomedes can help. Visit our contact page to find out how you can get in touch with the Tomedes team. You can also obtain an instant quote on our website. We look forward to making your next translation project a success. 

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