English to Vietnamese Business Translation

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English to Vietnamese Business Translation

December 24, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

Clients are welcome to get an instant quote from our website, which can save making initial email contact with our staff and speed up the translation process. A client in the catering industry decided to do just that, and received an instant quotation for his required translation. 

However, after receiving this quote, that client decided that he’d like to talk with someone from Tomedes directly, and so contacted Nadia, a project manager here at Tomedes. Nadia was able to assure the client about the quality of our translations, and highlighted the fact that we guarantee all completed translations for one year.  

Nadia was also able to clarify that a translator with familiarity in the document’s field (in this case catering) would work on the translation, which eased the client’s concern that the document needed to be accurately localized too.

The client decided to act on the quotation that he received from our website, as he thought that it was of exceptionally good value, and commissioned the translation to go ahead. 

Hao, one of our leading, native speaking translators began work on the document, and Hao’s expertise in the catering industry allowed him to work through the document quickly and efficiently. 

The completed translation was returned to the client before the deadline, which the client was especially happy about. Having checked the translation himself, the client remarked that the translation seemed to be very professionally done, and that he was particularly impressed with the document’s natural localization, which was something that the client found frustrating when he previously used machine-based translation instead.

Needless to say, we expect to hear from this satisfied client again sometime soon

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