English to Turkish Presentation Translation

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English to Turkish Presentation Translation

March 12, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

Building relationships in different languages can be a tricky business for companies looking to expand overseas, hence the English to Turkish translation of a corporate presentation that Tomedes has just completed.

The client was one of Tomedes’ regular customers, for whom we had previously translated documents including marketing brochures and business cards. Now, he needed a lengthy corporate presentation translated from English into perfect Turkish.

We reached out to our leading Turkish business translator based in Mersin, who had years of experience in the corporate world behind her, including both writing and delivering presentations. By carefully selecting translators in this way from our network of 5,000 professionals, we ensure that we always have the right person for every translation job.

Once translated, the presentation was handed over to the expert Tomedes proofreading team for our usual round of quality checks. With a reputation for providing flawless translations to uphold, we always ensure that our documents are checked before being handed back to our clients. It’s one of the reasons that our clients return to us time and again – along with our excellent pricing structure, of course.

This client was thrilled with his Turkish translation and is looking forward to using it to build relationships with new customers across Turkey. Another happy Tomedes customer!

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