English to Swedish Medical Translation

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English to Swedish Medical Translation

February 17, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

Medical companies are often asked to provide detailed medical documentation to their clients or their clients’ insurance companies in multiple languages, which was the reason for the English to Swedish medical translation undertaken by Tomedes recently.

The client wanted the translation undertaken by a translator with a background in the medical sector. As Tomedes maintains a network of over 5,000 translators across the globe, with backgrounds in a hugely diverse range of fields, this did not pose a problem for us. We were able to locate the perfect translator instantly using our extensive database – a young woman with nursing experience who was based in Stockholm.

The document in question was not lengthy, but it did contain a number of complex medical terms, so our translator was careful to ensure that every sentence was translated perfectly. Once she had finished with it, the document underwent intensive proofreading as part of our quality assurance system. By double checking documents in this way before they are sent to our clients, we ensure that we provide perfect translations, every time.

The quick turnaround time, the low cost of the service and the word-perfect translation left the client feeling extremely impressed with Tomedes – so much so that he has already entrusted further work to us. 

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