English to Spanish Marketing Document Translation

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English to Spanish Marketing Document Translation

February 12, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

Marketing documents in any language need to be concise and engaging, such as the marketing document that Tomedes translated from English into Spanish last week. They also need to take account of local phrases and colloquialisms, in order that the translated text is word-perfect.

The client who was in need of the English to Spanish marketing document translation had tried to translate it herself using a computerized translation tool. The result was a poorly translated document that was not sufficient for her to use for her company. She turned to Tomedes for rescue and we were happy to help.

Tomedes always uses human translators, as they are the only way to ensure flawless translations. English and Spanish are one of the most common language pairings that we translate, so we have an extensive network of translators for these languages.

For this client, our top marketing translator in Bilbao undertook the work. He was able to complete the job within just three working days, providing an accurate and well-structured translation of the original marketing document. Tomedes also undertook our series of standardized quality assurance checks before handing the final document over to the client. She was thrilled by our signature combination of high quality translation and low cost and has vowed never to try computerized translation again. 

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