English to Spanish marketing brochure translation

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English to Spanish marketing brochure translation

September 14, 2016

By Ofer Tirosh

Producing a marketing brochure in English means your company has the potential to reach out to 335 million English speakers around the world. An impressive number, but for a small fee you could reach out to more than twice that number, with a Spanish translation meaning you could reach out to the world’s 414 million Spanish speakers as well. 

These figures weren’t lost on a recent Tomedes client who wanted her company’s marketing brochure translated from English to Spanish in order to reach out to potential new customers around the globe. She used our online instant quote service, was delighted with the price we quoted and had arranged her translation via our website’s live chat service just a few minutes later. 

We got to work straight away, assigning our leading Spanish translator, whose background was in marketing translation. By pairing our translators’ experience with our clients’ needs in this way, we seek to ensure that every client receives the perfect translation, every time. 

This client had been impressed by the speed with which we responded to her initial approach and we continued to impress with our speedy and efficient translation service. Within just three days of her contact us, we had sent her a flawless Spanish translation of her marketing brochure, which had not just been translated but also scrutinised and approved by our quality assurance team. This is a standard part of our service, which we believe adds to the quality of our translations and supports our commitment to providing excellent customer service to Tomedes’ clients. 

Our great value for money and fast, organised translation service meant that this client was delighted with the end result. She is now ready to start marketing her company’s products to a vast new audience, thanks to her professionally translated, word-perfect marketing brochure. 

Contact the Tomedes team today to discuss your translation needs and find out how we can help.

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