English to Spanish IT Translation

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English to Spanish IT Translation

August 22, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

As two of the world’s three most spoken languages (the other being Mandarin Chinese), providing computer programs in both English and Spanish ensures access to a huge audience, hence the English to Spanish IT translation undertaken by Tomedes recently. 

The client’s specialist computer software had proven extremely popular with the US market – so much so that he had set his sights on overseas expansion. However, without a Spanish version of his program, the client was limited in how easily he could take forward his plans. 

Tomedes was only too happy to help. We provided the client with an extremely competitive quote and then got to work on his translation. This was a large project, with detailed technical phrases that required translating, but our translator wasn’t daunted. Based in Mexico City, her background was as an IT consultant before she took up professional translation, so she was perfectly positioned for the job. 

Tomedes translated the client’s entire program in under three weeks. He was delighted with our fast and efficient service, which meant that he could sell his program to the South American market ahead of his original schedule. He was so impressed that he has already asked Tomedes to begin work on translating the program’s series of manuals as well. 

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