Legal Contract Translation from English to Spanish

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Legal Contract Translation from English to Spanish

August 29, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

International business arrangements often require legal paperwork to be made available in more than one language, hence the English to Spanish legal contract translation undertaken by Tomedes last week. 

The translation was for a new client who contact us via our website. She was able to get an instant quote from the site and was delighted with the extremely competitive quote that Tomedes offered. We quickly discussed the client’s needs with her and selected one of our best English to Spanish legal translators to undertake the work. 

Based in Barcelona, our translator had more than five years’ experience of working on legal documents and contracts were one of his favourite kinds of documents to translate. He got to work straight away for the new client, using his distinctive blend of linguistic and legal expertise to produce a high quality translation. 

Our proofreading team stepped in next, to check in case the document needed any final tweaks before it was handed over to the client. Once they were satisfied that the translation was absolutely flawless, the Spanish version of the legal contract was sent to the client. She was thrilled that we had not only delivered within budget, but ahead of schedule too

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