English to Polish legal translation

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English to Polish legal translation

February 18, 2018

By Ofer Tirosh

Dealing with legal matters can be stressful at the best of times. Trying to do so when you don’t speak the language in question can be particularly tricky. This was the case for a recent Tomedes client, who required support in tackling a legal issue in Poland, but who didn’t speak Polish. As such, he turned to our professional Polish translation service in order to navigate the legal process successfully. 

Tomedes has a bank of Polish translators on hand, with experience ranging from legal translation to business translation – and everything in between! We pair our clients’ requirements with our translators’ experience in order to ensure that each client has an appropriately skilled translator at their disposal. 

In this case, our Polish translator was based in Warsaw and had been translating legal documents into Polish for many years. His understanding of Polish and English legal terms and concepts was superb, which meant that he could produce accurate translations with great efficiency. 

For this client, speed as of the essence, as he was in the middle of an ongoing legal issue and needed documents translated fast, so that he could present them to the Polish judiciary in plenty of time. As such, he used our urgent translation service. He also required a certificate of translation to accompany each document. We were happy to provide this in order to verify the accuracy and authenticity of each translation.  

The client was delighted with our reliable, fast translation service. He was also pleased with the translation price, finding the service to be excellent value for money. It has helped him to remove a great deal of the stress of his Polish legal matter. 

Whether you require legal translation or any other form of translation or localization, Tomedes can help. Contact our team today for further details of the services and languages available. 

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