English to Polish Translation of a Business Letter

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English to Polish Translation of a Business Letter

January 09, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

At Tomedes we value the small translation jobs, such as the business letter we translated recently from English to Polish, just as much as we value the larger translation assignments. We understand that for the modern business, the correct translation of emails and letters can make all the difference for day to day operations. That’s why we offer business document translation services at reasonable rates

English to Polish is an oft-requested translation service and we have a network of freelance, professional translators spread across Poland, with a range of business career backgrounds. For this particular task, we turned to one of our leading translators, who was available to commence work immediately. 

Within just four hours, our Lublin-based translator had completed the Polish version of the letter and we had sent it across to our Manchester-based client, following our usual quality assurance processes

The client was extremely impressed to receive a same day service at no extra cost. It meant that she was able to send out the translated version of her letter on the same day that she had produced the original English version, allowing her business to operate smoothly and efficiently in both languages at once. 

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