English to Japanese Business Letter Translation

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English to Japanese Business Letter Translation

April 09, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

A new client recently asked Tomedes to undertake the translation of a number of business letters from English to Japanese. She had tried to use a computerized service to translate the letters, but had found that the quality was quite poor. This is why Tomedes always uses human translators for every job.

The client’s company needed to reach out to a number of Japanese investors and potential investors, so the quality of the translated business letters was very important. After consulting our database of more than 5,000 professional translators, we assigned the job to one of our specialist business translators based in Matsumoto. He had run his own financial services company in Japan before taking early retirement and pursuing his career as a professional translator, so he had the perfect skillset to undertake the job.

Within one week, Tomedes had provided the client with her entire batch of perfectly translated business letters. She was very impressed with both the speed and quality of our translation service, as well as with the competitive price at which we provided it, and has already engaged us to undertake her next job – the English to Japanese translation of her company marketing brochures

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