English to Icelandic Patent Translation

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English to Icelandic Patent Translation

May 25, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

Tomedes was asked recently to undertake the translation of a patent application from English to Icelandic. The patent was for an environmental product and contained a great number of scientific and technical details, so we put our top Icelandic scientific translator straight on the case.

Patents for scientific and environmental products are long and complex, requiring intense attention to detail during their translation. They can also have legal implications, so every care must be taken when translating them. 

Thankfully Tomedes always has the right translator for every job, thanks to our innovative business model and our global network of more than 5,000 translators. We have a bank of professional human translators who provide flawless translations for almost all language pairings. From patents to property deeds to witness statements, we have the right person for every task. 

As our client was in a hurry for his translated patent, our professional proofreading team worked closely with the translator, to carry out our routine quality assurance checks as swiftly as possible and therefore ensure that the final translation was available to the client with no undue delay. 

The client was thrilled – he received the document back faster than expected and the price that Tomedes charged was extremely competitive. He has now filed his patent application and is already working on his next invention. 


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