English to German Website Content Translation

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English to German Website Content Translation

July 25, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

Last week Tomedes completed the translation of website content from English to German. Website translation requires different kinds of translators, depending on the nature and content of the site. For example, a marketing site will require a translator with experience of marketing terminology. 

For this client, whose website content contained a number of technical words and phrases, we turned to our leading German technical translator based in Hamburg. With a background in applied sciences, we knew he was the perfect translator for the job

Academic qualifications and career experience are just two of the things that we record when a new translator joins the Tomedes team. It means we can scour our network, which now has more than 5,000 professional translators in it, to find the right person for each translation assignment. The size of the Tomedes professional translation network also means that we can cover almost all language pairings when it comes to translation work. 

Our English to German translator made swift work of the client’s website content, which we then subjected to the usual round of Tomedes quality assurance checks. These ensure that the translations we produce are flawless by the time they are delivered to the client, which was exactly the case with this client’s website translation.  

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