English to German Website Translation and Localization

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English to German Website Translation and Localization

September 09, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

Tomedes was pleased to complete an urgent English to German website content translation job in record time last week. The work was for a regular Tomedes client who was in the process of launching a new business to add to his portfolio. 

Delays in the production of the website for his new business meant that the translation of the site into German (which was necessary as a large percentage of his customers were expected to be in Germany) had been left until the very last minute. With just one week until the launch of his new business, the client was desperate. 

Thankfully Tomedes has a team of expert business and marketing translators on hand to take care of just such emergencies. We set our leading German translator to work immediately and, knowing the client had such a short deadline, she ensured that she put the hours in over the course of the week and got the full site translated in time. 

The Tomedes proofreading team also worked fast, ensuring that the Germany version of the website’s copy was absolutely flawless before it was presented to the client. He was delighted with both the speed and the quality of Tomedes’ work, which enabled his new German website to be up and running just in time. 

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