English to German Presentation Translation

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English to German Presentation Translation

January 18, 2015

By Ofer Tirosh

A new client recently contacted us for assistance with an international presentation that he was required to make. The client was pleased to find that our reputation for quick email replies was indeed accurate, as he received a reply within the hour.

The client explained to Natalie (a project manager here at Tomedes) that he required a PowerPoint presentation translating into German, along with a few other documents pertaining to an important report.

Natalie informed the client that a quotation for the translation was being worked on, and that he noted the client’s request for a quick turnaround and the highest level of confidentiality when dealing with his presentation.

The quotation was soon returned to the client, and the extraordinary value of the quotation impressed the client. Based on the value of the quotation, the client gave the go-ahead for the translation to be accomplished, and a suitable translator was soon chosen to work on the documents.

When making a translation, it’s important to select a translator with experience in the field that the original documents come from. By doing this, the translator is aware of the document’s wider context, and is thus able to localize the document and accurately translate technical terminology. This ‘human element’ is something that can’t be replicated by machine-based translation, and is why we only select real humans to make our translations.

Thanks to the translator’s extensive experience, the document was returned to the client before the mutually agreed deadline, which made him very happy! The client passed on his thanks to both Natalie and the translator, hoping to be in touch again before his next international presentation came around!

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