English to French Textbook Translation

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English to French Textbook Translation

June 18, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

Textbooks are an essential tool for those looking to learn a new language, such as the English to French textbook translation undertaken recently by Tomedes. From schools to adult education, textbooks are the building blocks of language learning. 

As the translation was from US English into Canadian French, we arranged for our leading educational translator based in Quebec to undertake the work. Tomedes always uses professional human translators based in the target language’s country. This is part of the reason that our flawless translations are so popular. With over 5,000 translators in our network, we can cover almost every language pairing on the planet. 

For this textbook, we were asked to translate the main chapters but leave out the images. Our highly flexible approach meant that this was no problem at all and our translator got to work straight away.

The translation was completed in a little over two weeks – well within the client’s timeframe and an excellent result for a document of this length. The client was pleased to receive such a high quality translation in such a short time. He was also thrilled with the competitive cost of the Tomedes translation service, which meant his project came in under budget as well as on time.  


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