English to Dutch Training Manual Translation

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English to Dutch Training Manual Translation

January 23, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

As companies expand their operations beyond geographical borders, they often find themselves in need of business documentation in multiple languages, such as the training manual that Tomedes translated from English to Dutch recently.

Tomedes understands that companies operating in a global marketplace need to keep their costs low, while at the same time having access to high quality translation services. That’s why we strive to keep our prices at competitive rates for each and every translation job that we undertake.

When a regular client asked us recently to translate their company training manual from English to Dutch, we were pleased to be able to quote them our usual low price. We quickly put one of our leading Dutch translators to work on the job – a lady from Rotterdam with a background in corporate human resources. Her combination of linguistic talent and industry knowledge meant that she was able to undertake a swift and flawless translation.

The client was pleased to have his completed translation returned to him within a week of his having sent it to us. It’s the reason he uses Tomedes again and again for his translation needs – we provide a top quality service at minimal cost, every time

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