English to Chinese Translation of Mobile Game Application

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English to Chinese Translation of Mobile Game Application

August 24, 2012

By Ofer Tirosh

Demand for Mobile App Translation Services Continues to Sky-rocket for Tomedes

It becomes more and more frequent that we receive client requests for mobile app translation and localization services. While we've been doing things like iPhone app localization and mobile app translation for several years, iit has been within the past two years that these services have sky-rocketed. The most recent mobile app translation received by our translation company, was an English to Chinese translation of app store content for smartphones.

The professional Chinese translation for the mobile game app was primarily for the written text that accompanies the game app description in mobile app stores. The game app translation applied to the text that describes details of the game, player instructions and download and application specifications.

Top Technical Translation Service for Hebrew and Middle Eastern Languages

While this particular instance was an English to Chinese translation of the mobile game app store text and user instructions, we have previously provided many many clients with professional game localization and mobile app localization. Even English to Chinese translation of a piece of text for a mobile app or mobile app store still demands highly qualified translators and technical translation expertise in the IT, mobile web and gaming industry. But mobile app and video game translation and localization entails a much more complex and involved process. Professional localization and translation services employed to localize a mobile app or a mobile phone game app can have teams that range between 4 and 30 translators and technical professionals on one project. While most mobile app localization and translation services do not require more than a few to several professional translators from a translation company, there are some that are more complex and require language translation into many languages. These types of mobile app translation services are much less common, however.

In addition to the recent Chinese translation of a mobile game app, we have also recently provided English to Arabic translation of mobile app, as well as Hebrew to English translation and English to Turkish translation services. Because we have a reputation as a prolific, efficient and well-known professional translation company for specializing in Middle Eastern language services, we are among the top LSP's for mobile app translation, localization, and technical translation services targeted at Middle Eastern audiences.

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