English to Chinese and Korean Pharmaceutical Translation

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English to Chinese and Korean Pharmaceutical Translation

December 24, 2013

By Ofer Tirosh

Tomedes is regularly asked to provide medical and pharmaceutical translations, such as a recent request to translate a pharmaceutical marketing text from English into both Chinese and Korean. We maintain a worldwide network of translators so that we can always access a translator with relevant experience, regardless of the subject of the document that requires translation. 

For this particular project, we used two translators, one based in Beijing and the other in Seoul. Both had extensive experience of working on pharmaceutical documents previously and one of them had even worked as a marketing representative for a large pharmaceutical company before changing his career path to become a professional translator. 

With two translators working on the job, we were able to ensure that our client received high quality translations from native speakers, in half the time that it would have taken if just one individual had been asked to undertake the work. 

The client was impressed with the speed of the translation service that Tomedes provided and with the extremely reasonable cost of our service. He was particularly appreciative of the pharmaceutical experience that both of our translators brought to the job, as this enabled them to use context-specific phrasing to ensure the final versions of the text were perfect. 

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