English to Chinese Advertising Translation

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English to Chinese Advertising Translation

September 16, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

Some products are so good that their sale can’t be limited to just one country, hence the English to Chinese advertising translation that Tomedes successfully completed earlier this week. 

Undertaken for a new client, the translation included sales documents and product information sheets that accompanied the product when it was sold in the US. As the client was planning to brand out and sell his product in China as well, he need the documentation translated into flawless Chinese

This was where Tomedes came in. We have a network of professional translators spread around the world and always aim to use a translator in the target country. This ensures that translations are localized as well as just translated. This is particularly important for advertising and sales translations, which need to use the perfect colloquial terms if they are to have the desired impact. 

Our leading Chinese translator, based in Hefei, got straight to work on the client’s documents, turning the US English into perfect Chinese sales copy. The entire job was completed within one week, which made the client extremely happy. In fact, he was so impressed with the quality and efficiency of the Tomedes service that he has decided to get his website translated as well – we’ll be starting work on that tomorrow for him. 

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