English to Arabic Market Research Translation

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English to Arabic Market Research Translation

December 22, 2013

By Ofer Tirosh

A recent request to translate a market research report from English to Arabic saw Tomedes utilising our best UAE-based translator, selected from our global bank of professional translators. 

The client was specific that they needed a translator who had market research experience, so that he or she was familiar with the specialist terminology used in the report. Tomedes is well used to receiving such requests and we maintain a comprehensive database of our translators’ career experience, so that we can always find the right person for every job. 

The translator we selected was highly experienced in translating market analysis reports and the client was pleased that we had found someone with such directly relevant experience. Within two days, our translator had completed the full document and we had returned it to the client after our standard round of quality checks. 

The client had previously tried to use an automated translation tool on the document and been disappointed with the results. Having received the version provided by Tomedes, he was thrilled with the quality of the human translation, and further impressed at the low cost of the service. We look forward to working with him on future reports, as his market research business grows.

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