English to Thai medical translation

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English to Thai medical translation

October 28, 2018

By Ofer Tirosh

Medical translation takes place for many reasons, as companies and services around the world share their products and knowledge across international borders. Medical practices vary from country to country, as do medicine licensing regulations. This gives rise to plenty of demand for medical translation services by companies around the world. 

Medical translation is one of the most detailed and specialist professional translation services. It requires incredible translation accuracy, as any mistakes could have dire consequences. That’s why Tomedes not only delivers accurate translation services, but also uses a system of quality checks and balances to ensure flawless translation results, each and every time. 

We put this process into practice recently with a client who needed a medical guidance document translated from English to Thai. We work with a number of professional Thai translators and believe firmly in using native speakers of the target language for each translation, as well as highly experienced language specialists. In this case, that meant using a Thai translator with extensive experience of translating medical documents. 

The results of this approach are apparent in the quality of the translations that result from it. For this client, that meant an accurate medical translation in flawless Thai. The Thai version of the document was precisely what he was looking for. We typeset it to mirror the original document, as per the client’s instructions. We also undertook the translation of the detailed illustrations throughout the document, so that every procedure that was described could be understood in Thai. 

Medical translation of this nature is available to clients around the world. Tomedes offers more than 90 languages for translation and ensures that specialist, experienced medical translators are available to work on such documents. To find out more, you can speak with the Tomedes team by phone, email or our website live chat service. We look forward to working with you! 

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