English to Swedish legal document translation

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English to Swedish legal document translation

March 31, 2019

By Ofer Tirosh

Legal document translation is a skilled and precise undertaking. It requires expert knowledge of the legal concepts in question, as well as the specific legal terms used. That’s why Tomedes works only with highly qualified and experienced legal translators who work hard to keep their skills up to date. 

We deliver translations in over 90 languages. Most recently, a client used our English to Swedish translation service for a batch of legal papers that he needed translated. We assigned our leading Swedish translator to the job and she got to work straight away. 

Legal translation often relates to paperwork that could have serious implications if it contained any mistakes. As such, attention to detail is key and the translator must maintain their focus throughout the task. This was precisely what our Swedish translator did while working on the client’s documents. She worked solidly through the papers, translating each one in turn to the same meticulously high standard. 

The client was delighted with the quality of the resulting translations. We sent each one to him in turn, as requested, so that he could progress his legal matter as swiftly as possible. A fast turnaround time is often appreciated when it comes to legal translations, as clients need to be able to understand the legal matters in their native language. That’s why we always deliver our legal translations as quickly as possible – as we do with all the other kinds of translation we undertake, for that matter!

If you need a translation undertaken swiftly and with thorough attention to detail, Tomedes’ team of language professionals can help. We operate a 24/7 service, with a network of translators that extends around the globe. Whether you have a legal paper, a marketing document or a video file to translate, we are here to help. Speak to us by email, phone or live chat to discuss next steps. 

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