Same day English to Spanish presentation translation

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Same day English to Spanish presentation translation

January 20, 2016

By Ofer Tirosh

At Tomedes we love to exceed our client’s expectations. Whether it’s value for money, beating a deadline or simply the high quality of our translations, we are out to impress!

A regular client recently benefited from this approach. Her company needed a presentation translated urgently from English to Spanish. As well as the translation of the text, she needed the Spanish version of the presentation to match the English one. 

Tomedes was delighted to be able to help. We set one of our leading Spanish translators in Madrid to work. She knew the client needed the presentation urgently and was able to translate it fully in less than a day. As soon as the Spanish text was ready, our desktop publishing team took over, preparing a Spanish version of the presentation that perfectly matched the English one. 

Once the desktop publishing team had finished, our quality assurance team took over. Finally, we were able to send the Spanish translation of the presentation back to the client – all on the same business day that she had sent it to us. 

Needless to say, the client was thrilled to receive such a fast and high quality translation service. It meant that she was able to send the Spanish presentation over to her company’s contacts on the same day that they had requested it, with the result that both she and the company came across as well prepared and efficient – something that every business can benefit from. 

In the business world, a quick response like that is an excellent way to make your company stand out from the competition, which is precisely what this client was able to do, thanks to the speed of the Tomedes translation service. 

For all of your urgent business translation needs, contact Tomedes today for an instant quote and find out how we can help your company to get ahead. 

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