English to Spanish marketing translation

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English to Spanish marketing translation

July 21, 2019

By Ofer Tirosh

So much of marketing these days is about video. That’s why a recent Tomedes client asked us to include her latest video when undertaking a batch of marketing translation and localization work. 

Spanish translation for global businesses 

We were delighted to help the client with her project. Our video translation experts cover a huge range of language pairings, including Spanish translation for both European and Latin American audiences. 

Spanish translation is one of Tomedes’ most sought-after services. Given the demand for it, we maintain a strong network of Spanish translators, covering different dialects in order to meet our clients’ varied needs. 

Professional video translation services 

82% of Twitter users now watch video content on the platform, according to this article on video marketing statistics from WordStream. Furthermore, YouTube has over a billion users – staggeringly, that equates to almost a third of all people who use the internet. The sheer numbers involved mean that if your company isn’t already using video, it needs to start doing so fast! 

For those seeking to use videos in multiple languages, such as our recent marketing client, video translation services can provide everything from transcription and time syncing to subtitling, as well as the translation itself. This particular client was after the full service and we were delighted to be able to help. She also had a range of written marketing materials that required translation, ranging from presentations to social media posts. With no time to lose, we got straight to work. 

Transcription services for video and audio

Where a job includes the need for transcription services – such as this client’s video – we always ensure that we use suitably experienced transcriptionists. After all, the quality of the transcription has a major impact on the quality of the translation. That’s why we pair our transcriptionists and translators so carefully with each and every job. 

In this client’s case, the video translation and the translation of her marketing documents were precisely what she was looking for. We delivered on time and within budget, creating yet another very satisfied Tomedes customer. 

More than just translation 

If you have a translation need, Tomedes is here to help. We also provide a wide range of other services, including interpretation, transcription, proofreading and editing, copy writing and desktop publishing. Ultimately, if your project relates to language, Tomedes is here for you! Simply call, email or live chat with our friendly team to find out more about how we can assist your business. 

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