English to Spanish website translation

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English to Spanish website translation

January 17, 2016

By Ofer Tirosh

At Tomedes we are often asked to translate websites in order to help our clients reach out to new customers around the world and sell their products to new audiences. But not all websites exist to make money. 

Recently, a client asked Tomedes to translate his website from English to Spanish. He wasn’t selling anything, but had developed his site as an information resource in order to provide a helpful service. The feedback had been very encouraging and he had hit upon the idea of sharing the useful information with Spanish speakers as well as English speakers. 

Spanish is one of the languages that we are approached about most often and we were pleased to be able to help this client quickly and efficiently. Our leading English to Spanish translator based in Cadiz was available to take the job on and swiftly got to work on the translation. 

The client was in no particular rush and the site was a big one. We estimated that it would take two weeks to translate in full and provided a quote accordingly. The client was pleasantly surprised by our great value – he had expected to pay more for the high standard of translation that Tomedes is known for producing. 

It actually took our English to Spanish translator just a week and a half to complete the translation. That left plenty of time for our quality assurance team to review the translation and ensure it was 100% perfect. We include this step for translations of all sizes, to maintain our high standards. The client was delighted with the end result. 

From common language pairings like English and Spanish to lesser known and more obscure language requirements, Tomedes is on hand to help. We have a network of translators based around the globe, reading and waiting to assist you. Call or email us today for more information, or use our web chat service to speak to someone now. 

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