Word-perfect app translation

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Word-perfect app translation

November 27, 2016

By Ofer Tirosh

App translation is a rapidly expanding tool that is being used by individual developers and creators around the world to maximize the potential of the apps that they are creating. With smartphone usage continuing its upward trend, the need for professional app translation doesn’t look set to diminish anytime soon!

Tomedes was recently asked by a new client to translate his app from English to Spanish. He had come across our translation agency online and chatted to us initially through the live chat service on our website. Our quick responses and his ability to use the instant quote service on our website soon gave him all the information he needed to engage us to undertake his translation.  

The client was looking for professional human translation for his app. He did not want machine translation as he felt it wasn’t of a good enough standard to match the quality of the app that he had produced. Here at Tomedes, we couldn’t agree more! 

This was an urgent translation job as the client was keen to move forward with his project. His app was at present just a side project for him, but he was hoping that it would, in time, lead to him being able to move from his current job into the world of professional app creation. It was thus a selling tool for his skills, so needed to be the best it could possibly be. 

We assigned our leading English to Spanish translator for this job. Her experience included plenty of app and mobile software translation, making her the ideal translator for this client. By matching our translators’ skills and interests with our clients’ jobs in this way, we endeavour to ensure that each client has a translator working for them who is a specialist in the type of content that they are translating. 

The client was delighted when we finished the job a day ahead of schedule. He is now pushing forward with the launch of his app in Spanish and looking forward to a glittering career as an app developer! 

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