English to Portuguese website translation

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English to Portuguese website translation

August 23, 2017

By Ofer Tirosh

Website translation is one of the services that clients of our translation company most commonly ask for. The benefits are huge – businesses can reach out to new audiences around the world for very little cost. As they have already invested in the creation of the original site, all that needs to be done is translate it and suddenly the value of that site in terms of connecting with customers increases massively. 

Many companies use website translation as part of an international expansion strategy. For example, a recent client asked Tomedes to translate her website from English to Portuguese, so that she could begin selling her gourmet food products to a wider market. 

We were most happy to assist. Portuguese translation is something that Tomedes is well qualified to undertake. We have translators available for both European and Brazilian Portuguese, to ensure that each client gets the right language for their particular purpose. This client was looking for a Brazilian Portuguese translation, so we contacted our leading Rio-based translator, who was delighted to get to work immediately. 

The client’s website had a simple structure but with plenty of information available on it, so our translator lost no time in working through the pages. As requested by the client, we sent each page to her as soon as it was completed, so that she could build the Portuguese version of her website in tandem with the translation progressing. 

The client was delighted with the flexibility of the service she received from Tomedes, as well as with the translation cost for the project. Our translation service enabled her to complete her Portuguese website project on time and within budget – another very happy customer to add to the list!

If you have a document that needs translating, contact Tomedes today. We have translators standing by, ready to assist you.  

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