An English translation of Portuguese legal documents

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An English translation of Portuguese legal documents

July 24, 2015

By Ofer Tirosh

One of our regular customers contacted us the other day. This client lives in Delaware, US and works as an attorney who specialises in immigration law. Our customer often works on cases regarding immigration issues, and on this occasion one of her clients needed some assistance with financial issues. Her client’s documents were all in Portuguese, and if our customer was going to be able to help her client, she’d need to have them translated into English. 

With this in view, she contacted one of our staff members directly, and explained the situation. Specifically, she required two English translation tasks to be undertaken: a complete translation of a lengthy tax document, and a translation of a various invoices that her client had received over the past year. 

At Tomedes, we always assign native-speaking translators to projects, but we also ensure that the translator has sufficient competency and experience of translating similar documents in the client’s field. In this case, the chosen translator, who resides in Brazil, had two-years worth of experience translating legal documents, and was quite familiar with the complexity of the sort of financial documents that our customer presented. This allowed him to work through the document without error (which is especially important when dealing with legal documents) and sign a certification of translation accuracy document with confidence, confirming to authorities that the translation has been completed accurately and is error-free to the best of his knowledge. 

Our client thanked our professional translator when she noticed the document had arrived in her inbox before the agreed deadline, and we look forward to working with her again in the future. 

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