Professional Website Translation

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Professional Website Translation

October 22, 2017

By Ofer Tirosh

51.3% of all content on the internet is in English, according to W3Techs. However, the majority of the world’s population doesn’t speak English. That’s why website translation is such an important service for businesses that want to reach customers around the world. Tomedes is regularly asked to support companies with their website translation projects and we have skilled translators specialising in the translation of websites to and from a wide range of language pairings. 

Most recently, a client asked us to translate her website from English to Korean. English to Korean translation is one of the core services offered by Tomedes’ skilled linguists. This client was looking for a high quality translation that nonetheless offered good value for money – and she felt that Tomedes’ translation cost was perfectly in line with her budget. 

Our translation company works hard to ensure that we always have the perfect translator for each job. In this case, we turned to our leading Korean translator, whose extensive translation experience includes multiple websites. He was available to start immediately, which was perfect as the client was in a hurry for her site to be translated and had asked to use our urgent translation service. 

The client’s website also included two short videos, which she asked us to translate as well (she had actually found us via our video translation quote page). Again, we were delighted to be able to provide a flawless translation service for this part of her project. 

Our translator worked quickly and efficiently to translate the client’s website into word-perfect Korean. The client was delighted with the result. The Korean version of her site is now live and she is enjoying being able to reach out to a whole new audience. 

Whether you have a website, a company manual or simple email that needs translating, Tomedes can help. Contact us for further details. 

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