English to Korean video translation

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English to Korean video translation

September 08, 2019

By Ofer Tirosh

A recent client approached Tomedes about a translation project for his company. He needed a video translation from his native English into Korean for an instructional video that his business had made to explain how to assemble one of their products. 

Native Korean translators 

With a network of professional translators based around the world, Tomedes is able to respond quickly to all manner of translation requests. We always seek to use a native speaker of the target language, which in this case meant working with one of our translators in South Korea. 

Korean is split between South Korea’s 48 million speakers and North Korea’s 24 million, according to this article on the Korean language by the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Another 2 million speakers live in China and a million in the United States, with 500,000 more in Japan. In total, some 75 million people speak Korean. A number of linguistic differences have arisen since the two Koreas split in 1945, some as a result of government policy and others as a result of the nations’ differing levels of contact with the rest of the world. 

Professional video translation  

This client needed his video translated into Korean in order that it could be used by his product support team and his customers in South Korea. Tomedes’ provision of professional translation services includes a keen focus on video translation, so our client knew that he was in good hands. 

Our English to Korean translator got to work transcribing, time-syncing and translating the client’s video. He carefully produced perfectly written Korean subtitles, for use with the finished product. 

The client was delighted with the high-quality translation. While he didn’t speak Korean fluently, he knew enough of the language to appreciate the accuracy of the translation that we provided. 

24/7 customer care

One of the interesting things about this translation job was that the client was able to benefit from our 24/7 availability. He was in the UK when he assigned the work, but then travelled to South Korea mid-project. Despite changing to a time zone that was eight hours ahead, he was still able to access super-fast customer support thanks to our 24/7 availability. 

Translation, interpretation and more

If you have a translation need, the Tomedes team is available 24/7 to help. We also provide interpretation services, localization support, multilingual content writing services and much more. You can contact our team by phone, email or live chat to find out more and to discuss your particular needs. We look forward to hearing from you! 

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