English to Japanese marketing brochure translation

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English to Japanese marketing brochure translation

October 21, 2015

By Ofer Tirosh

Reaching out to a new audience can be tough under any circumstances, but doing so overseas is doubly hard. A recent Tomedes client needed her marketing brochure to be translated from English to Japanese, in order to expand her business interests in Japan. 

Tomedes has a bank of professional Japanese translators on hand, with many years of experience when it comes to producing quick, accurate translations of business documents from English into Japanese. We are committed to always using human translators rather than machines. Computers can translate words extremely well, but they cannot translate meaning in the way that humans can, nor take account of local idioms. 

This client’s translation was a fairly substantial job – in excess of 20,000 words. As well as the main marketing brochure, a detailed manual contained technical information on each and every product. The client wanted Tomedes to undertake the work as she had previously used us for other business translations in different language pairings and knew that Tomedes would provide her with the highest quality translation at the best rate. 

We turned to our best translator in Tokyo to undertake this job and he set to work straight away. With first-hand experience of marketing in Japan, as well as his linguistic capabilities, he was the ideal person to work on the document. 

The client’s marketing brochure was ready in just under two weeks and she was delighted with the quality of the translation and the speed of Tomedes’ service. She is already planning her next job for us, using Tomedes as a means of growing her company and embracing new markets around the world. 

From company websites to marketing brochures, Tomedes is on hand to provide professional human translators with business experience. For a quick quote, simply call or email us, or use the live chat service on our website to chat to a team member straight away.

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