English to Japanese CV translation

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English to Japanese CV translation

November 22, 2015

By Ofer Tirosh

A client recently approached Tomedes asking for his CV to be translated from English to Japanese. Moving overseas can be an exhilarating adventure, but it’s also something that requires the completion of a vast range of practical tasks. For those moving to a country where another language is spoken, translating various documents is often an essential part of the process. 

While this client spoke very good Japanese, his written Japanese was poor and he knew that in order to get job interviews in his new country he would need a high quality CV. Enter Tomedes! 

We only ever use professional human translators (machines are just not accurate enough) and always try to ensure that we use native translators. For this job, we turned to one of our best translators in Japan, a young lady based in Tokyo. She had previously worked for a recruitment agency and had undertaken numerous CV translations for Tomedes before, using her career experience to ensure that the translated CVs were of an excellent standard. 

Our Japanese translator took less than a day to produce the client’s CV in her native language, as she was well aware of how fast the job market can move. The client was thrilled to receive back his professional-looking Japanese CV, which the translator had smartened up using desktop publishing software to ensure that it was in the format expected of a Japanese CV, rather than a UK one. As a result, the client was able to apply for Japanese jobs with confidence. 

From financial documents proving your income to your birth and marriage certificates, moving abroad can require a raft of documentation in another language. Tomedes can assist with all of it, in order to take some of the stress out of the moving process and leave you to concentrate on the fun parts. Simply contact us today for further details. 

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