Superb German Translation

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Superb German Translation

July 09, 2017

By Ofer Tirosh

Providing flawless translations is always important and it’s what our translation company specialises in. When it comes to the translation of legal documents, it’s easy to see why perfection is so essential – a mistake could have serious legal consequences! 

A new client recently asked Tomedes to undertake a legal translation on his behalf. With a network of more than 5,000 professional translators, including legal translation specialists, we were perfectly positioned to assist. 

The client needed his legal agreement translated from English to German, so we called on our top German legal translator to get to work straight away. German translation is one of the many languages that we deliver on a daily basis. Our translators cover a wide range of language pairings, from commonly paired languages to those that are required less often. This means we can service our clients’ diverse translation needs at very short notice. 

This client had been clear that he didn’t want his legal document translated using machine translation. That was one of the reasons that he approached our translation service – Tomedes is known for only ever delivering human translation services, in line with our focus on quality. 

The client had used the instant quote service on our website, so he was clear on his translation cost from the outset. He was delighted by the value for money that the Tomedes service provided.

The legal translation was completed in good time, ensuring that the client was able to read the details of what he was agreeing to in his native language and thus have the reassurance of fully understanding his commitments in relation to the document. 

If you have a legal document that requires translation, contact Tomedes today. We translate a wide range of personal documents, as well as documents for businesses around the world. Speak to a member of our friendly team for more information. 

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