English to French company website translation

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English to French company website translation

October 06, 2019

By Ofer Tirosh

Website translation has been a core part of Tomedes’ translation service for more than ten years. We work with clients around the globe to help them spread news of their products and services to other countries. 

When it comes to languages, there is an element discord between the tongues that are most widely spoken around the globe and those that are most commonly used online. The most spoken language in the world is Mandarin Chinese, with 1.1 billion speakers, followed by English (983 million speakers), Hindustani (544 million) and Spanish (527 million). 

Online, however, the most commonly used language is English, which is used by 25.3% of internet users. Chinese users are next, at 19.8%, followed by Spanish users, at 8%. 

Accurate and Timely French Translation 

One of our recent jobs was for a client who had called on our French translation expertise for the translation of her company website. She needed it translated from English to French (incidentally, the latter is the world’s 10th most spoken language, with 229 million speakers, and the ninth most used language of the internet, accounting for 2.8% of total users). 

The client’s site included a range of product descriptions, some well-crafted blog posts and a couple of instructional videos, as well as all the usual payment, about us and legal info. She was keen to begin connecting with French-speaking audiences, so we lost no time in getting to work! 

Our French translators are experts in their field and between them cover a wide range of services. French is not only spoken in France. It is the sole official language of 13 countries, as well as being a co-official language in 16 countries. The most populous country that it is spoken in is the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Several other African countries are Francophone nations, as is Canada, Belgium, Switzerland and more. 

We always seek to match our translators’ experience to the job at hand, so that the resulting translation is of the best possible quality. That’s why we maintain a global network of translators. In this instance, we assigned our leading French translator for websites, whose experience also includes video transcription and translation – the perfect match for the client’s needs. 

Website Localization for Businesses Around the Globe 

A company’s online presence has never been more important. What’s the first thing you do when you hear about a new brand? Search for it online! That’s why it’s so essential that businesses reach out to customers in their own language. 

Localization plays a key role in this. By using website localization services, you can convert a website so that it perfectly suits the target audience, while still retaining the meaning and spirit of the original site. It goes much further than translation alone. Website localization means adapting the copy so that it reads as if it was written in the target language – in this case, in French. The audience will enjoy the site’s content without even realising that it was translated in the first place. 

As well as localizing the copy for this client’s website, our translator also ensured that the site’s images, payment system and other technical elements would all work for a French readership. This is very much part of a high-quality localization service – it addresses all elements of the website, not only the translation part. 

Customer Satisfaction as Top Priority

One of our goals here at Tomedes has always been to deliver superb customer care and we are proud to consistently achieve a customer satisfaction rating of over 95% across our global business. 

According to McKinsey, 70% of a customer’s journey is based on how the customer feels that they are being treated. American Express, meanwhile, reports that customer service is a deciding factor in whether or not 90% of Americans will do business with a company. 

At Tomedes, we provide our customers with 24/7 access to our helpful team. Day or night, for clients in every time zone, our staff are here to help. It’s an approach that has seen us successfully serve more than 50,000 business customers over the past 12 years, from small companies and start-ups to huge, Fortune 500 businesses. 

This particular client was certainly happy with our website translation services – the French copy for her site was beautifully translated and she was delighted by the attention to detail of the localization process. 

Supporting Clients Around the World

If your business would like to connect with new audiences overseas, why not contact the Tomedes team? We’re available 24/7 to discuss your needs and have translators ready and waiting to get to work on your next translation project. Our expertise spans a huge range of language pairings and we have experience of working across all business sectors. We have no minimum translation size and can work on everything from individual projects to ongoing translation support. Contact us today to find out more. 

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