English to Finnish video translation

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English to Finnish video translation

February 11, 2018

By Ofer Tirosh

A recent Tomedes client was looking for new ways to promote her gourmet food company. One element of her marketing strategy was to reach out to new audiences overseas. With Tomedes’ help, she used video translation to do just that. 

The client’s company sold a range of culinary items, all chosen due to their superior quality and broad appeal. She had successfully grown her business over several years and was now looking for an online translation service to help her take it to the next level.

The client chose to work with Tomedes as a result of our clear translation cost (she used our online quote service to find this out before chatting with our friendly team) and our strong credentials as a provider of business translation services. As a trial to see how her marketing strategy might pan out, she opted to translate one of her company’s promotional videos. 

One of the first overseas markets she was trying to capture the attention of was Finland. As such, she used our Finnish translation service for her video translation. We turned to our Finnish translator with both video translation and marketing translation experience for this project. We always seek to pair our translators’ experience and interests with the work at hand in this way, as it makes for a more accurate translation – and a happier translation team!

The Finnish translator made quick work of the client’s video, providing her with a flawless, time-stamped video translation that she could use to promote her company’s products in Finland. The client was delighted with the quality of the translation and the efficiency of the service – as well as the excellent translation rate. 

Whether you are in the market for video translation or some other form of business translation assistance, let Tomedes help. Our professional team is standing by to provide you with further details. 

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