A Spanish to English translation of an education curriculum

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A Spanish to English translation of an education curriculum

July 23, 2015

By Ofer Tirosh

The other day we were contacted by a new customer from Colorado, US, who works as a financial educator. His business provides personal financial education resources to people and organizations who want to improve the financial capabilities of people in their communities. The client represents one of the leading players in this particular field, and their business also offers accreditation for smaller firms who develop their own financial education curriculum. Recently, our customer’s organization had been contacted by another financial education company wishing to have their education curriculum accredited by our customer’s organization. 

This led our client to contact Tomedes, and he was pleased to receive a reply to his enquiry within the hour. Our customer explained that his client’s education curriculum is in Spanish, and before his firm’s board could begin the validation process the entire curriculum would have to be translated into English first. The Spanish curriculum consisted of 468 pages divided across 9 separate documents, and our client requested that the attached graphics and imagery contained throughout the document should be left untranslated (usually, we also offer a graphic and formatting service in addition to the translation of a document’s main body) as the board would only need the curriculum’s text to approve it. 

In a short while a suitable translator was selected who lives in York, UK. Having a native-speaking translator is essential to providing an accurate and quick translation, and at Tomedes we only match translators to projects that are to be translated into their native language. We also ensure that the translator has previous experience of dealing with the sort of document that they will be working on, and in this case our expert translator was very proficient in the financial education sector. 

Although the curriculum was a relatively long document, our translator’s efficiency meant that it was completed before the deadline, and our client was delighted with the result. The completed translation allowed his organization to decide whether to validate the curriculum, and the client mentioned that he’d be back in touch again whenever a similar situation arose. 

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