English to Cantonese Video Translation and Transcription Services

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English to Cantonese Video Translation and Transcription Services

June 15, 2016

By Ofer Tirosh

The importance of video as a marketing tool has grown exponentially in recent years. To put it in context, some 900 million hours of video are watched on YouTube every month. YouTube videos are available in 76 different languages in total, which covers around 95% of the entire internet population when it comes to presenting information to them in their native tongue. 

A recent Tomedes client was well aware of the value of video in growing his business. He asked us to undertake the translation of the original English video into a number of other languages, including Cantonese. Cantonese is widely spoken in parts of southern China and Hong Kong, as well as by large Chinese communities around the world. The language has around 80 million speakers altogether, including those who speak the closely related Yuehai dialects. 

This client wanted to ensure that he had Cantonese subtitles for his video in order to reach out to potential Cantonese speaking customers around the world. As he didn’t have a transcript of the English that was spoken on the video, our translator was required to transcribe it as well as to produce the translated subtitles. This wasn’t a problem for Tomedes – we are happy to provide transcription services as part of our video translation service. 

In this instance, our Cantonese video translator was available to start work immediately. We knew that she was a diligent and fast translator and were certain that she would be the ideal person to handle this client’s translation. We weren’t wrong – she translated the full video more than a day before the client was expecting it, getting full marks from our internal quality assurance team for the accuracy of her translation. 

The client was delighted. The subtitle translation enabled him to reach out to 80 million potential new customers as soon as he had edited his YouTube video to include the Cantonese subtitles. Tomedes is already undertaking translations into other languages for him and we are delighted to be able to support one of our clients to turn his business into a truly global enterprise through the power of translation. 

Please contact the Tomedes team to find out how we can help your business to expand its footprint around the world. 

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