Accurate Arabic Translation

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Accurate Arabic Translation

December 18, 2016

By Ofer Tirosh

Website translation is an essential tool for many businesses seeking to maximise their profits. Through the use of professional human translation services, companies can reach out to larger customer bases and boost their sales figures. (Machine translation of websites should be avoided at all costs – it’s not yet accurate enough to be relied upon for such an important, customer-facing translation job.)

A recent client of Tomedes asked for his website to be translated from English to Arabic. He had built up his business in Israel with an English-language site but had reached critical mass with English-speaking customers and was looking to translate the site into Arabic (and later into Hebrew) in order to reach out to new customers and increase his revenue.

With 5,000 professional translators spread around the world, Tomedes is able to provide translation and localization services of this nature at short notice. Localization is an important part of converting the meaning of a website (or document or video) from one language to another, as well as just the words. It is essential for the avoidance of inadvertent offence, or hilarity.

The client was keen for his website to be translated as a rush translation, so that he could begin enjoying the benefits of a broader customer base. This was no problem at all for the Tomedes team – we are known for producing accurate translations at an efficient pace! 

The Arabic translation of the client’s website was delivered on schedule and he was delighted with the result. He was able to reach out to new customers using the Arabic version of the website and his business is thriving as a result. The top notch customer service and value for money that he received from Tomedes mean that he will be sending his Hebrew translation job to us in the near future – once he has got to grips with the sudden influx of Arabic-speaking customers that the current translation has produced! 

For all of your translation needs, contact Tomedes today. We’re available 24/7 and look forward to hearing from you. 

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