English to Arabic marketing translation

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English to Arabic marketing translation

February 10, 2019

By Ofer Tirosh

Marketing to audiences around the world involves some very careful reshaping of content, with everything from product descriptions to images needing consideration. Recently, Tomedes worked with a client who was marketing her products to both English and Arabic-speaking countries. As she didn’t speak Arabic herself, she used our professional Arabic translation service in order to help create the marketing materials that she needed. 

Our Arabic marketing translator worked closely with the client to ensure that her marketing materials were localized to the intended audience. That meant that the job entailed far more than just translation. Much of the copy had to be reworked in order to appeal to Arabic audiences, even to the point of amending the strapline under the company logo, as well as a number of images that were used. 

The client was delighted with the marketing expertise that our Arabic translator was able to bring to the job. She was able to help the client rework her marketing materials in order that they incorporated language that was both more appropriate and more effective at evoking the same emotional response as the English materials. The result was a flawless set of Arabic marketing materials that were both linguistically and culturally appropriate to their new audience – precisely what the client needed in order to maximise the chances of her business venture succeeding overseas. 

The icing on the cake was the price for the job, which was well within the client’s budget. She was also thrilled at the speedy turnaround times. Another very happy Tomedes customer! 

If you are planning to expand your business activities overseas, it’s worth speaking to Tomedes about how we can help. From translation to localization and globalization, we can help you to connect with foreign audiences in the right way and for all the right reasons. Speak to our team today to find out more.

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