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November 14, 2013

By Ofer Tirosh

There are all manner of reasons why legal documents need to be translated into alternative languages. Tomedes specializes in legal translation, along with many other kinds of translation, to ensure that our clients receive top quality documents, every time. 

An attorney recently asked Tomedes to translate a batch of legal papers from Dutch into US English. We sieved through our global network of professional translators to find the perfect person for the job – a former legal secretary with both Dutch and English heritage. We maintain a huge database of translators in order that we can match jobs so specifically in just this way. 

We proceeded with translating the papers from the original Dutch version and within a week we had the English copies ready for the attorney. As with all jobs undertaken by Tomedes, the translation service included a review by a professional proofreader, as a means of quality control to ensure that the final documents were word perfect. 

The client was extremely pleased with the service and thanked Tomedes for the efficiency and professionalism with which the work had been undertaken. Naturally, we maintain strict procedures when it comes to confidentiality, so whether the work we undertake is for legal documents or marketing materials it will always be treated in the strictest confidence. Combined with our high quality service and reasonable pricing structure, this is one of the key reasons why so many clients come back to Tomedes to have their translation service needs fulfilled time after time. 

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