Danish to English Translations in Business and Commerce

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Danish to English Translations in Business and Commerce

May 16, 2010

By Ofer Tirosh

Danish to English Commercial Document Translation

A Flemish client in Flanders, Belgium (specific information cannot be disclosed due to strict confidential terms of service with clients) recently needed several international commerce and business documents to be translated from Danish to English, with destinations to Boston, Massachusetts, and Seattle, Washington. While we have a large resource of Danish-English translators ready for any kind of translation, the major aspect of this particular translation project was that it had a word count of over 20,000 words, and was required to be completed within 48 hours. Not an impossible Danish commercial document translation, but certainly a challenge. Often business and commercial documents have an urgent need for translation. If you find yourself needing translations faster than you can keep up, Tomedes can assist you. Virtually no other professional Danish translation company provides translations for extremely urgent or information-sensitive documents for the low translation service rates we offer.

For a free quote on any Danish document translation or any business and commerce translation, simply use the top menu to upload or copy your file. You'll instantly receive an affordable translation cost estimate. No matter how fast your need a commercial translation from Danish to English, our translation costs are never overpriced or inflated with extra fees and service charges for minor requests or urgent turnaround.

The commercial Danish translation requested by the client was to be delivered to their corresponding business recipients in Boston, and also in Seattle. While the details of business and commerce documents cannot be disclosed, there was technical legal and financial content. For projects such as these, we assign two to three Danish-English business translators, along with two proofreaders, and an expert Danish technical business translator as supervisor, to ensure that the translation project stays on schedule, and that it is proofread and finalized within the allotted time frame. The document is then delivered to the client, so they can in turn send the Danish translated commercial document over to their recipient.

Commercial Translation For Business and Finance

Commercial Danish translation is somewhat of a broad term for the translation types - whether technical or non-technical - that may fall under it. Here are a few examples:

  • shipping and receiving translation
  • business contract translation
  • business license translation
  • accounts receivable translation
  • financial report translation

There are other types of translation which fall under commerce and business, and we have Danish business translators available for every type of document, as well as translators for any other language or document type. For further inquiries, contact us at info@tomedes.com, or connect to our live chat for free consultation, available 24 hours.

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