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November 07, 2013

By Ofer Tirosh

Marketing brochures are frequently required in more than one language. We live in a world of globally available products and the literature related to them must keep up with the delivery area. 

Translating marketing materials requires not just translation of the text, but a sympathetic understanding of colloquial marketing language and tone. That’s why, here at Tomedes, we use professional translators with marketing backgrounds when it comes to the translation of brochures, websites and other marketing literature. Our network of translators extends around the globe, so that our translation service encompasses a huge variety of career experience and backgrounds, as well as a wide range of languages. 

We were recently asked to translate a brief marketing brochure, of just under 1,000 words, from Danish to English. We contacted our leading English translator for marketing materials, based in the UK city of Manchester. She began work on the job immediately, using her language skills and marketing background to provide an accurate and engaging English translation of the original Danish brochure. 

We returned the translated marketing document to the client in just two days, including the time it took for our in-house team to carry out our usual round of proofreading. It is thorough processes like this that ensure that our clients continue to receive an incredibly high quality service from Tomedes. We check all of our translations carefully so that we can be confident that we are delivering word-perfect documents back to our clients. We know that in the world of professional translation, it is touches like this that set us apart from the competition. 

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