Competitive Price for an English Translation

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Competitive Price for an English Translation

March 29, 2015

By Ofer Tirosh

We were contacted recently by a prospective client who was seeking a translation company to work with on a long-term basis.  This client worked in engineering, and in the past we performed a short translation for her. As she was impressed by the quality of that translation she wanted to consider using us again.

Jerry, one of our account managers, responded to the client’s request within the hour. The client mentioned that she’d received various quotations for an upcoming English translation from other sources, and wondered if we’d be able to provide a more competitive price for her.

Jerry was happy to inform the client that we’d be able to offer her a competitive price that was lower than the other offers she received. The client found this to be a very generous gesture, and thanked Jerry for the outstanding value of our translation service.

The client thus decided to commission our translation company to provide the German to English translation, with more work to follow in the near future.

A native speaking English translator was selected to work on the client’s document, and it wasn’t long before the document was expertly translated and localized from German into English.

When the completed translation was returned to the client, she made sure to thank both the expert, English translator for his work and Jerry for managing a hassle-free transaction. We certainly anticipate working with this client again in the near future.

If you’re in need of a competitively priced translation too, why not get in contact with a member of our friendly team and see how we can help you?


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