A Chinese translation of iOS and Android apps for an Australian university

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A Chinese translation of iOS and Android apps for an Australian university

May 08, 2015

By Ofer Tirosh

We received a request from a new client who wanted help translating and localising an app, designed for both iOS and Android operating systems, into Chinese (The source files included XML and Strings files).

The client worked for a prestigious university in Southern Australia. This particular university has recently renewed its commitment to environmental issues and had undertaken a overhaul of the campus’ botanical gardens. As part of this overhaul, which included a complete redesign of the gardens, the university also created a mobile application for iOS and Android devices.

The application acts as an interactive guide to the botanical gardens, and was well received by visitors. However, the app hadn’t been translated into Chinese, which meant that a significant portion of visitors were unable to use the app in their native language.

Once the client heard of Tomedes’ reputation for high-quality, affordable translations, she decided to get in touch. Jerry (one of our account managers) responded to the client within the hour and listen to her situation. Jerry explained that we had a professional, native speaking Chinese translator who would be able to work on the app translation as soon as the client commissioned the project.

Our translator resides in Beijing, China and has significant experience of working on mobile apps for both Android and iOS. Once the client gave the go-ahead for the translation to being, our translator set to work translating the text and localizing the source files for a Chinese audience. Localization is a speciality that machine-based translation hasn’t been able to accurately replicate yet, and we find that our customers really value the human touch our translators bring to their work.

The completed app translation was returned to the client in a short space of time, and our client mentioned that new visitors to the university’s botanical gardens would no doubt be extremely happy with the result.


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