Chinese to English scientific translation

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Chinese to English scientific translation

June 26, 2016

By Ofer Tirosh

Scientific translation is one of the most challenging forms of translation for many translators. Thankfully, Tomedes has sought out those with a particular talent for scientific translation and our global network or more than 5,000 professional human translators includes scientific translators for a wide range of language pairings. 

The reason that scientific translation can be tricky is the array of technical terms involved and the fact that the translator usually requires a good understanding of the material involved in the translation, which can sometimes be extremely technical. 

This was demonstrated recently when a client asked Tomedes to undertake a scientific translation from Chinese to English. The translation was of a set of detailed research papers containing technical language, detailed diagrams and a number of charts and tables. 

We knew that this would be a challenging job and so turned to our top Chinese to English scientific translator to undertake the work. With a higher education qualification in chemistry and years of experience as a translator (including plenty of scientific translation), we knew he was perfectly positioned to do a great job for this client. 

Translations of this nature show the value of using human translators. Computers can be handy for translating individual words and even short phrases, but with complex translations, which include technical language and diagrams, only a human translator will suffice if a decent quality translation is to be achieved. 

At Tomedes our focus is very much on quality. Each of our translations is quality assurance checked before being handed over to the client and this scientific translation was no exception. The quality assurance team reviewed it carefully in order to ensure its accuracy before it was sent back to the client. 

The client was delighted with the careful attention to detail paid by our translator. The translation was of extremely high quality, including every chart, table and diagram, as well as the main body of the document. He had struggled with finding a translation company of high enough quality previously – now he has discovered Tomedes there is no looking back! 

Whatever your translation requirements, we are here to help. Contact our friendly team today to find out how we can assist you.

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