A Mandarin business presentation translation

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A Mandarin business presentation translation

July 28, 2015

By Ofer Tirosh

Presentation translation is a service that Tomedes has been facilitating for a long tome. Whether your presentation is business-related or simply personal, our professional presentation translators are able to provide you with an accurate translation in the popular PowerPoint format, or whichever presentation software you employ. 

Recently, one of our regular commercial clients contacted us. The client worked for a private flight company, and he wished to pitch a new business idea to his managers. Our client arranged his pitch in a PowerPoint presentation, which required translating from English into Chinese to ensure that his international colleagues would be able to read his presentation in their native language.

After sending the client a quotation at a very competitive rate, the client approved the presentation translation. We assigned our leading Chinese translator to work on the presentation. The presentation contained sections detailing what needs the new services would meet, what customers it would be marketed to, and various financial projections concerning the new services’ profitability. Whilst the presentation’s content was somewhat complex, our translator’s native-speaking ability and general knowledge of aviation allowed her to translate the presentation accurately and quickly.

The client was happy to receive the completed translation before the mutually-agreed deadline, and he thanked us for allowing him to present his business idea to his Chinese-speaking superiors. We hope the presentation went successfully, and we look forward to assisting this client in future business endeavors.

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