Business document translation from Hebrew to English

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Business document translation from Hebrew to English

November 15, 2015

By Ofer Tirosh

One of the most sought-after areas of translation work by Tomedes clients is business translation. Business translation requires fast, accurate translation by professional human translators. Machine translation tools are a long way from being accurate enough to produce reliable documents for the corporate world. The quality of the translations that they produce just can’t compare to the work of professional, human translators. 

We put our business translation skills to the test recently when a client asked us to translate his company’s governing document from Hebrew to English. Packed with formal language and legal terms, this was an interesting project for our best English business document translator. 

At Tomedes we only ever rely on the work of human translators. It’s one of the reasons behind our reputation as a high quality translation agency offering excellent value for money. Our network of translators covers a vast range of language pairings and our global presence means that we are open 24/7 should our clients wish to speak with us about any aspect of their translation. 

For this job we used our best London translator, whose vast experience included all manner of corporate and legal documents. The work took nearly two weeks to complete due to the length and complexity of the original document, but the translator worked diligently and we kept the client up to date with progress via daily emails. 

Our hard work was much appreciated – the client was thrilled with the high quality of the translated document. He was able to share it with his senior team in England and progress a number of governance matters that were reliant upon the translation. 

Tomedes is on hand 24/7 to assist with your business translation needs. For an instant quote, use our website or email or call us today with details of your translation project. 

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