Arabic to English human resources translation

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Arabic to English human resources translation

January 24, 2016

By Ofer Tirosh

Cross border working presents some unique challenges. One of those is the production of employment documents in a language other than the worker’s native tongue. Being asked to sign a legally binding document like an employment contract when it is not in your own language can be a daunting prospect. 

Naturally, the best course of action is to obtain a translation of the contract, which is precisely what one of our client’s did. She used the instant quote service on the Tomedes website to find out the cost of the work and, being pleased with our excellent value for money, then commissioned us to go ahead and translate her employment contract. 

By having a network of translators spread around the world, Tomedes is able to offer a highly response service. Our leading Arabic translator based in Liverpool was available to take this job on without delay. His experience includes previous human resources translation work – we always seek to pair our translators’ experience with the work we assign to them in this way, to ensure that our translators possess a deep understanding of the subject matter. The result is a better quality of translation. 

Within a week of being assigned the job, our Arabic to English translator had completed the full employment contract translation. At the client’s request, he also provided a certificate of translation, just in case the client found that this was something she needed in the future. 

Tomedes is happy to provide a certificate of translation for any document that we translate – just ask when discussing your translation needs. Our professional human translators are highly skilled at working on business translations and personal translations and our unique business model ensures that we are able to offer excellent value for money to our clients. Contact us via our website, by phone or by email for further details. 

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