Arabic to English academic translation

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Arabic to English academic translation

December 02, 2018

By Ofer Tirosh

Part of producing a perfect translation is to mirror the tone of the original document. Much of the copy produced for the internet is written in a chatty, personable tone that needs to shine through to the translated copy. Academic writing, on the other hand, tends to be much denser and drier. Translating it is a skilled art that requires a translator with excellent knowledge of how academic writing should sound. Thankfully, Tomedes has plenty of translators available who fit the bill.

In a recent example of this, a Tomedes client asked us to help with his academic translation, which he needed converted from Arabic to English. We got straight to work in finding the perfect translator within our network – a translator based in Birmingham, in the UK who particularly relished academic translation projects. 

By carefully pairing our translators with the projects at hand, we ensure that each client has the translator who is most appropriate to their needs. This approach leads to higher quality translations, happier translators and happier clients – everyone wins!

For this job, out translator worked diligently through the Arabic document, converting it to accurate academic English that conveyed not just the factual elements of the copy but also the serious tone. It was a long and detailed undertaking, but one that our translator did justice to, maintaining her enthusiasm for the subject matter throughout.

Her diligence showed in the end result – a perfect Arabic to English translation and a very happy client! 

For all of your translation needs, speak to the Tomedes team. We cover everything from academic and technical documents to legal papers, marketing brochures and everything in between. We also provide a range of freely available tools to aid those who work with words. You can check out our latest online tool – the Tomedes Text Summarization Tool – to see how it could benefit you. 

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